The Boat-ride Back...

Well, after Greenwich, we did have to go back...  So I got me pix of the other side of the Thames!


I think that's the Millennium Dome in the background...  And how did Ellie's finger puppet get in MY picture? ;-)


Ummmmmm, yeah, so here's the other side of that same palace... from the Thames! hehe


Weird egg-shaped building...



Some battleship on the Thames... I think from WWII.


A slightly different view of it...  You can see the guns in this one...


For some reason, I really can't think of what that is...  I feel like I should, and it's lurking in the back of my brain somewhere, but I can't remember!!!  AGGHHH!!!


Pickford's Wharf... as if that weren't self-evident.


It's... DA GLOBE!!!!!!!  Does it not look quite odd in the middle of modern-day London? lol  I kept thinking there should be more SPACE around it... :-P


Here it is a tad bit closer...


I think that was some apartment complex in the back that claimed that every room had a window view of the Thames... which is why it's so oddly shaped...  And a little lower is Founders Arms, which is where we ate.


This company got around the expensive ads along the Thames law by sticking their logo, "OXO," in as windows.  I don't remember if they got around the fine or not, but it seems to me they should... just for creativity... ::smirks::


That would be the Royal National Theatre... AND GUESS WHO IT'S UNDER THE DIRECTION OF???!!!! TREVOR NUNN!!!!!  WOHOOO!!!! ::calms down::  Ok, so he's not John Caird, but he's still a Les Miz dude! ::smiles::


Waterloo Bridge (no duh?)  "Mine host Thenardier; he was there, so they say, at the field of... Waterloo!"


The London Eye


Big Ben... yet again!


Click here for June 17 pix