South Pacific

I found out just a few days before the tour was leaving Baltimore that 1) Erin Dilly was in the tour and 2) it was in Baltimore.  Brilliant.  Well, using some quick thinking, I asked my parents to let me go because I needed to see a show for my theatre class.  Erin was a huge sweety, and faaaaaabulous in the role.  However, I was stupid and forgot to get a picture with her.  Michael Nouri was a wonderful Emile (although I am still partial to Philip), and this was seriously a great cast.  There were some autograph hunters at the stage door, which was kind of interesting, because they had autographs from EVERYONE and books and pictures and books of almost everything with them.


Me and Michael Nouri.  No, I didn't cut my hair...  I just actually ::gasps:: braided it for once.


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